
Difference between Active and Passive Components

active components vs passive components

In this article, we shall discuss the important differences between active and passive components (active components vs passive components) in electronics.

The main difference between active components and passive components is that active components are capable of generating power or producing power gain, while passive components cannot generate power or produce power gain.

Active Components

In electronics, a type of circuit component that can supply energy to the circuit is referred to as an active component.

Therefore, the active components can generate power or produce power gain. In electrical and electronic circuits, the active components are responsible for flowing electric current through the circuit. Examples of active components include batteries, alternators, generators, transistors, etc.

Passive Components

In electronics, a type of circuit component that cannot produce energy, but only consumes is known as a passive component.

In electrical and electronic circuits, the passive components are used as a load. Examples of passive components include resistors, inductors, capacitors, transformers, etc.

Difference between Active Components and Passive Components

The important differences between active components and passive components are listed in the following table:

Basis of Comparison

Active Components

Passive Components


A type of circuit component that can produce power of power gain in a circuit is known as an active component.

A type of circuit component that cannot produce power or power gain, but only consumes power is known as a passive component.

Act as

Active components act as a source in the circuit.

Passive components act as a load in the circuit.


Active components supply power to the circuit.

Passive components absorb power in the circuit.

Power gain

The active component can produce power gain.

Passive components cannot produce power gain.


Examples of active components are sources like batteries, generators, transistors, etc.

Examples of passive components are resistors, inductors, capacitors, transformers, etc.

Quadrant of VI curve

The VI curve of an active element lies either in the 2nd or 4th quadrant.

The VI curve of a passive component lies either in the 1st or 3rd quadrant.

Slop of VI curve

The VI curve of an active element has a negative slope.

The VI curve of a passive element has a positive slope.

Hence, all these are the important differences between active and passive components in electronics.

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