In this article, we will discuss Norton’s Theorem, its statement, diagram, formula, and examples.
Statement of Norton’s Theorem
The statement of Norton’s theorem is as under:
A linear bilateral electric circuit consisting of
independent and/or dependent energy sources and linear bilateral circuit
elements can be replaced by an equivalent electric circuit that consists of a
current source in parallel with a resistor.
This equivalent electric circuit consisting of a current
source and a parallel resistor is called Norton’s
equivalent circuit.
In Norton’s equivalent circuit, the value of the current
source is equal to the short-circuit current across the load terminals, and the
resistance value of the parallel resistor is equal to the internal resistance
of the source network looking through the open-circuited load terminals.
Explanation of Norton’s Theorem
The following steps explain the procedure of solving an electric circuit using Norton’s theorem.
Consider an electric circuit as shown in the figure-1. We
have to find Norton’s equivalent circuit for this given electric circuit.
Step I – Open the load terminals by removing the load resistor RL, and calculate the internal resistance RN (Norton’s equivalent resistance) of the network by looking through the open-circuited load terminals.
`\R_N=R_2+(R_1 R_3)/(R_1+R_3)`
Step II – Short-circuit the load terminals. Determine the short-circuit current, which will be Norton’s current (IN).
`\I=V/(R_1+((R_2 R_3)/(R_2+R_3 )))`
III – Thus, Norton’s equivalent circuit
and the load current will be.
Hence, in this way, we obtain Norton’s
circuit equivalent to a complex linear bilateral active electric circuit.
Now, let us solve a numerical example to
understand the application of Norton’s theorem in circuit analysis.
– Determine the electric current through the 10 Ω resistor in the following circuit by
using Norton’s theorem.
Solution – The given electric circuit can be solved using Norton’s theorem as follows.
I – Find RN (Norton Resistance):
`\∴R_N=6.2 Ω`
II – Find IN (Norton Current):
`\R_(eq)=4.43 Ω`
Therefore, the total current in the circuit from the voltage source is,
`\I=V/R_(eq) =10/4.43`
`\I=2.26 A`
Thus, using the current division rule, the
Norton current will be,
`\∴I_N=0.645 A`
Step III – Equivalent Norton Circuit and the load current is,
`\∴I_L=0.246 A`
Hence, this is all about Norton’s
theorem, its statement and examples.